Before I’m 35

I am turning 32 this year and decided to give myself a few years to get a list done. I must admit that trying to think of things to do before I turn 35 is a bit overwhelming. Off the top of my head I don’t even know if I can come up with a handful but I will do my best. This is proving to be much harder than I thought. Coming up with 35 things seems to be a challenge!

1. Follow through on list of things I say I will do tomorrow!

2. Organize my life a bit better

3. Make a list of household chores to do weekly and stick to it (has to do with number 2)

4. Make more of an effort to start baking and cooking on a regular basis again. I always feel better when I do this

5. Plan our vow renewal to Las Vegas for 2014 and figure out a way to make it happen

6. Lose 40-50 pounds

7. Start saving for a house

8. Find a part time job that I enjoy and will bring in some extra money while still being able to stay at home with the kids

9. Plant more of a garden this year. I have been successful in past years but I want to expand it a bit

10. Take my last cake decorating class. I have been putting it off for a while

11. Practice at making said cakes!!

12. Get all christmas presents done before Thanksgiving every year. I try to do this always but it never seems to happen

13. During the months where it allows – start riding my bike and walking

14. Set aside time for crafts ** I now have Monday set aside as Modge Podge Monday’s with one of my best friends Nikki!

15. Learn to appreciate what I have a bit more. I really have a wonderful life and sometimes I think about all the things I wish I had… I need to stop doing that

16. Go on a cruise

17. Take the kids to Disney

18. Do some volunteer work

19. Play the video games that I keep saying I will set time aside for. (Yes for most this one seems odd but it is something I enjoy)

20. Get my photography site up and running

21. Work at my photography skills

22. Get our cookiesandcreme site up and running

23. Get our cookies into a bakery **Myself and Nikki are on or way to getting this one done

24. Figure out a way to make and sell cookies/crafts with Nikki so we can be “those” mom’s you see on tv that do it for a living.

25. Make an effort to do my hair on a more daily basis

26. Get to Ireland at least once a year. This one seems like a no brainer but with money constraints it is proving to be very tough.

27. Plan a friend trip to Ireland – Possibly 2015 ( I would be turning 35! )

28. Work on my blog and stick with it. I have always started one and never kept it up but, with my cousin as a good influence I am going to do it

29. Go on a trip with girlfriends

30. Get more one on one time with Mr. A. He works very hard and is always with the kids when we are home so time alone would be nice

31. Train Hailey (the dog) to not pee or poop in the house. Drives Mr. A MAD!!

32. Take a trip to Europe and visit at least two countries

33. Take a trip with my cousins L and D. I have been saying for years that I want to do it and never find the time

34. Take a family trip with the family I have left here. We used to do it every year and have gotten away from it as everyone is getting older but we need to put life aside and make it happen.

35. Start another one of these lists so when I turn 35 I have more to add onto it

There are my 35 things. Some are easier than others but that will be the motivation I need to get them completed. I am on my way to doing some of them. I probably could have written almost 35 of things I want to do with the family but I wanted to make sure that I touched a little upon everything.

Looking very tired!

My beautiful cousin Danille’s site– this is where i got the idea! @twopointfourchildren

4 responses to “Before I’m 35

  1. I love making lists. I loved this one. It’s funny that I chose to read this today. I was watching coverage of comicon on Attack of the Show on g4 and I started thinking of a list of things I’d like to do someday…going to comicon. I think I’m going to have to make a list for myself. There are so many places I want to see, things I want to do and things I’d like to accomplish.

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